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Check Status of a Parrot Request

Parrot was a beta service that's no longer available for new customers.
  1. Navigate to the Plan page via the link in the top bar.

    Plan Navigation Link
  2. Click the Parrot button.

  3. Here you will see a table containing all of your current and past Parrot Requests. The second column contains the status of each request.

  4. The possible statuses are:

    • Pending: Your request has been submitted, but is not yet being worked one. You can see your queue position in the table row.
    • In Progress: Someone has picked up your request and is currently working on it.
    • Blocked: There is an issue with your request that needs addressing. A Syllabird team member will reach our to you via email to get it fixed.
    • Complete: Your request is complete and the assignments have been added to your account!
Your request is only able to be edited (new files uploaded or the duration changed) when the status is Pending or Blocked. To make edits, just click on the request's row and make your changes.